Cabinet ortodontie - Asist. Univ. Dr. Ingrid-Ioana Pintilie Tratamente ortodontice Indreptarea dintilor Tratamente protetice Bucuresti
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Ortodontie, stomatologie generala / medicina dentara adulti si copii, tratamente endodontice, protetice, chirurgie orala, implantologie Cabinet ortodontie, Bucuresti Protezare pe implant Aparate ortodontice fixe, mobilizabile Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Medicina dentara adulti si copii, tratamente endodontice, protetice, pedodontie, chirurgie orala, implantologie
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Tratamente ortodontice, protetice, endodontice, pedodontie, implantologie - Bucuresti Clinica ortodontie, clinici ortodontie Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti, tratamente adulti si copii Clinica dentara Bucuresti - Asist. Univ. Dr. Ingrid-Ioana Pintilie, Bucuresti Cabinet stomatologie generala / Medicina dentara - Dr. Ingrid-Ioana Pintilie
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    Clinica ortodontie, tratamente protetice, endodontie, pedodontie, implantologie dentara, cabinet Asist. Univ. Dr. Ingrid-Ioana Pintilie
      Asist. Univ. Dr. Ingrid Ioana Pintilie  
Intrebari tratamente ortodontice, protetice, medicina dentara, implantologie, cosmetica dentara
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Dr. Ingrid-Ioana Pintilie

Dental tourist Bucharest Romania, dental savings Bucharest Romania, dental travel Bucharest Romania, dental holidays Bucharest Romania, viaggio odontoiatrico, turismo odontoiatrico Bucuresti Romania
Dr. Ingrid-Ioana Pintilie DMD, PhD, Univ. TAs, Specialist in orthodontics
Dental Travel Romania, Dental Treatment Romania, Bucharest
She graduated at University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” – Bucharest, Romania, in 1998.

She has gained experience in the field of general dental treatment and prosthodontics due to her residency program in general stomatology and her teaching and clinical activity in the Department of Prosthodontics at UMF “Carol Davila” – Bucharest.


She completed 3 years of orthodontic training program in the Department of Orthodontics at UMF “Carol Davila” – Bucharest. In 2005 she became a specialist in orthodontics.


She has worked in the fields of general dentistry, prosthodontics and orthodontics at the Clinical Hospital of Oro-Maxilo-Facial Surgery “Prof. Dr. Dan Theodorescu”, Bucharest and in her own dental practice.


She continued her postgraduated education in areas of orthodontics, prosthodontics and implantology.


She sustained scientific communications at dental congresses and published several articles in dental journals.


She earned the PhD degree after the public defense of her doctoral dissertation in 2009, on a thesis entitled “Contributions to the study of methods for the determination of centric relation in patients with need for removable prosthetic treatment”.

Collaborators CV - soon.
Dental Treatment Bucharest, Dental Travel Romania, Dentstyl - CMI Dr. Ingrid-Ioana Pintilie